Fixation and pretreatmentDejelly albino embryos carefully in 2% Cystein (pH 7.8).Remove the vitellin membrane with two pairs of tweezers (or carefully pierce multiple times after fixation)Fix the embryos in MEMPFA for 1 hour at room temperature (MEMPFA: 100 mM MOPS pH 7.4, 2 mM EGTA, 1 mM MgSO4, 4% paraformaldehyde)Wash 2 ......阅读全文
Developmental Effects of Transplantation of Cell
From the various microsurgical procedures of Spemann and others, several developmental principles have emerged about amphibian embryos. One of the mos
学术论文常用句型汇总 再也不愁SCI了!
Beginning 1. In this paper, we focus on the need for 2. This paper proceeds as follow. 3. The structure of the paper is as follows. 4. In this
Extraction of DNA using DNAzol® Reagent
实验概要DNAzol® Reagent (Genomic DNA Isolation Reagent) is a complete and ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of genomic DNA from solid and
On the Nanocommunications at THz Band in Graphene-Enabled Wireless Network-on-ChipQuoc-TuanVien,1Michael OpokuAgyeman,2Tuan An
2019中国生命科学领域CNS盘点:曹雪涛 颜宁 施一公上榜
截至2019年12月23日,中国学者在Cell,Nature及Science在线发表了107篇文章(2019年的Cell ,Nature 及Science 已经全部更新),iNature团队对于这些文章做了系统的总结: 按杂志来划分:Cell 发表了31篇,Nature 发表了44篇,Scie
is a classic technique used for the localization of antigenic target
molecules in tissue. The method exploits the princi
Dynamic Monitoring ofCellular Remodeling Induced bythe Transforming Growth1
The plasticity of differentiated adult cells could have a great therapeutic potential, but at the same time, it is characteristic of progression of se
2018前10月生物医学风云榜 袁隆平 曹雪涛及施一公等上榜
经过特殊的算法,我们得到了2018年前10个月中国生物医学风云榜人物及最火爆的3个重大学术界事件,能够上榜的风云人物/事件,都曾长时间占据过100多个公生物医学公众号的头版头条。 在此,我们精选了其中的3个事件及16位风云榜人物。我们对其进行了划分,分别是:6星级的3个事件,分别位诺贝尔奖,国
Fluorescence Procedures forthe ActinandTubulin Cytoskeleton inFixed Cells-1
General StrategyWe typically work with tissue culture, primary mammalian cells, and cell extracts, but the protocols can be adapted to other systems,
【摘要】2014年诺贝尔化学奖授予Eric Betzig,Stefan W. Hell和William E. Moerner3位科学家,以表彰他们在超分辨率荧光显微成像技术方面的重大贡献。本文从
Media and Solution required for ES Cell Culture(Bowtell Lab)Routine Culturing of ES Cells(Bowtell Lab)Routin
B.3. COMMENTARYB.3.1 Background informationThe critical steps in the methodology are cell fixation, permeabilization and the concentration
Scanning the human genome with combinatorial transcription factor librariesPublished online: 18 February 2003, doi:10.1038/nbt794March 2003 Volume 21
Optimized Method for the Preparation of Rodent Testicular Cells-1
Homogeneity of cell populations is a prerequisite for the analysis of biochemical and molecular events during male gamete differentiation. Given the c
Oasis® HLB萃取盘为环境实验室创造了更高的效率
简介:Salem, NH, 2008年11月3日—— Horizon技术公司和Waters公司推出了Oasis HLB萃取盘,一种用于EPA 8270和1694方法分析的固相萃取产品。
Horizon Technology and Wate
对28种癌症研究证实:致癌突变男女有别 | 论文推荐
近日,公开发布于美国冷泉港实验室生物预印本数据库(CSH bioRxiv)中的一项研究首次全面证实了致癌突变的性别差异。 来自加拿大安大略癌症研究所(Ontario Institute for Cancer Research)和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of Califor
Immuno-Laser Capture Microdissection
A: Development of Immuno-LCMLimitation of MicrodissectionMicrodissection of routinely stained or unstained frozen sections has been used successfully
2019年3月15日,爱丁堡大学发布了对Irina Stancheva学术不端行为的近期机构调查报告,该研究得出结论认为,该研究由于使用的
单克隆抗体的脱靶特异性而受到强烈质疑(IMG-306),另外,由于该文章有涉嫌操纵数据,爱丁堡大学建议撤回EMBO Journal发表的论文。 有趣的是,2
Basic Theory and Use of GC-MS(一)
In Cell
实验概要This protocol is a
general protocol for ICE analysis and can be used with any of Abcam s
ICE-validated antibodies. Antibodies are availabl
Real-space and real-time dynamics of CRISPR-Cas9 visualized by ...(五)
Correlation analysis of HS-AFM images2D
correlation coefficients were calculated between the HS-AFM images of
the first frame and each of the fram
ProcartaPlex 免疫检测常见问题及解决方案
试剂盒及操作时会遇到很多问题,现将常见问题及答复汇总如下,供您参考: 如果不小心将整个试剂盒保存在-20°C. 这个试
A rapid, quantitative and inexpensive method for detecting apoptosis-2
Figure1.Determination of apoptosis in transiently transfected murine [beta] tumor cells. (A) The number of apoptotic [beta]HC 13T tumor cells (%
粘度计NDJ-1 英文说明书
Phosphoamino acid analysis:Mark Kamps\'s method
Phosphoamino acid analysis:Mark Kamps s method1.Label your protein with 32Pi.Then subject the protein to SDS polyacrylamide gel electr
Analysis of murine BM: specimen choice, sampling and processing.
Histologic analysis of murine BM is a necessary complement to flow cytometric or in vitro analysis.Techniques to do this are well established in
Analysis of murine BM
Histologic analysis of murine BM is a necessary complement to flow cytometric or in vitro analysis.Techniques to do this are well established in
主旨论坛1: “Nano-flares”在循环癌细胞分析中的应用
Chad A. Mirkin博士,国际纳米技术研究所主任,美国西北大学化学系George B. Rathmann教授
Cancer metastasis is the leading cause of mortality am